About My Works
Art comes out of our desire to express something. I paint because I have something to say to my fellowmen and myself. I have considered the live around me. These paintings are the mirror images of what I see with my eyes. Beautiful, materialized, desirous, fragile and ephemeral are the key words of my feelings about life.
The order of my following works is arranged basically according to when they were created. From the sequence, readers can see my style change and evolve. Inevitably, every painter has to make his/her own choice when eastern and western cultures meet and clash. We all started by simply imitating contemporary western art and have finally returned to reviewing and learning from traditional Chinese painting. We have gone through being in a rush to being at ease as artists. The process takes me ten years.
I am doing a rather difficult thing – to record and prove my physical and spiritual existence through my works. I am doing it seriously in my lifetime, without caring about the result.
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